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Writer's pictureRyan Woods

Are Carbs Really Bad for You?

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Are carbs really bad for you? Should we avoid eating carbohydrates to sustain a better quality of life? The short answer is yes and no. The Health and Fitness industry is a billion-dollar industry, yes you heard that right, a billion-dollar industry. Which means that pushing diets and fads is what keeps the fitness industry lucrative. Over the years Low-Carb diets and so forth have been a trend for rapid weight loss. Let’s face it society pushes a narrative that provides us with quick results so in general most people are looking for a quick fix. Many of these quick fixes promote that carbohydrates are bad for you and you would have a better weight loss outcome by limiting them.

Let’s put some things into perspective, carbohydrates that are bad for you are those that contain empty calories and minimum nutritional value. Meaning they are filled with high sugar, high fats, and other junk. These carbohydrates are better known as refined or simple carbs. Most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber have been removed. Simple and refined carbs digest quickly, which means they have a high glycemic index. In return, this causes a rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. Diets that consist mainly of foods high on the glycemic index are linked to increased risk of diseases.

Refined and simple carbohydrate foods consist of white flour, soda, pastries, pasta, snacks, candy, desserts, refined breads, and sugary drinks.

On the other hand, there are complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates have a chemical breakdown and fiber content that require our bodies to break them down slower as they are harder to digest. These are good because the body releases the energy over time instead of rapidly. These types of carbohydrates contain the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that has been stripped from refined and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates satiate you longer and overall provide a better health benefit. These carbohydrates include; vegetables, potatoes, fruit, beans, lentils, sprouted grains, brown rice, wild rice, oatmeal, whole barley, and multi gran breads.

In theory, yes, refined and simple (processed) carbohydrates are bad for you and should be ate minimally. Due to the chemical structure of refined and simple carbohydrates they turn into fat quicker in the body if not burned off quickly because of the rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin. Which in return causes you to gain access weight. Along with giving you a sluggish feeling often times associated with an energy spike then crash. Complex carbohydrates that provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber are good for you and should be a part of our daily diets. They provide you with necessary energy and vital vitamins and minerals. Those that do participate in fad diets such as Aikens, Keto, and

low-carbs tend to not only gain the weight back but additional weight beyond what was lost. Eat the carbs my friend but make sure that you are choosing those that are simple and nutrient dense.

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Jan 02, 2021

I’m addicted to carbs. They are my drug, comfort, love of my life! How do I manage my cravings?

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